Space Explorers Academy
Soviet Tselina-2 Satellite
Soviet Tselina-2 Satellite
Tselina-2 was a Soviet military satellite program that played a significant role in the nation's space-based electronic intelligence (ELINT) capabilities. The program encompassed a series of satellites, known as Tselina or Tselina-D, which were designed to gather electronic intelligence by intercepting and analyzing radio signals from various sources.
These satellites were equipped with sophisticated ELINT equipment, including radio receivers and data processing systems, enabling them to detect and record radio emissions from ground-based, naval, and airborne radar systems.
Tselina-2 exemplified the Soviet Union's commitment to advancing space-based intelligence-gathering capabilities, allowing it to maintain situational awareness and monitor potential threats. These satellites remained a vital component of the nation's defense and security strategies during the Cold War era.